Road Museum on wheels | Maanteemuuseum

OPEN OPEN OPEN                          Wed-Sun 10-18


Road Museum on wheels

The Estonian Road Museum packs its bags and takes museum lessons to schools. One lesson lasts for 45 minutes.

Target group: I and II level of basic schools.

Schools can order the following museum lessons:

  • Let’s peek into the museum’s collections
    This lesson introduces the museum as a keeper of historic sources. Participants will learn about what kind of sources the museum collects and preserves. They will also learn about the job and tools of a collection holder. The children will discuss whether or not an old worn item is trash or treasure. As preparatory work, the students could bring along something old that is valuable enough for them to keep.
  • Travellers in the olden times
    Why and how did people travel back in the day? What should you take along for a trip? Is travelling fun or tedious? Participants can find exciting information and fun items concerning travel in the travel chest of the museum. They will also learn about the daily lives of people in the olden times and acquire practical knowledge of travelling.


Programme fee 4€ for preschool and 6€ for students (includes entry ticket).

Additional information:

Neidi Ulst
Tel: +372 511 7440

Kerle Kadak
Programme Manager
Tel: +372 5330 2641