Machine Hall educational programme "Traffic and Environment" | Maanteemuuseum

OPEN OPEN OPEN                          Wed-Sun 10-18

Machine Hall educational programme "Traffic and Environment"

Can anything needful and useful also be harmful? How cars have an effect on environment? How can I use car more economocally and sustainably?

Target group: kindergarten, comprehensive school, gymnasium

Machine Hall is the newest exposition of the road museum. 1500 m2  area is devided into 3 parts – car era, display of road machinery and traffic education centre with numerous simulators. New centre offers different gripping oportunities for educational traffic programmes both for children and adults.

Activities vary according to age.

Programme prices:

Pre-school children 4€, students 6€, adults 10€ (includes ticket price).

Guided tour is available in addition. Price for a group 30€.

More information:

Neidi Ulst
Tel: +372 511 7440

Kerle Kadak
Tel: +372 5330 2641